would like to thank you, for taking time to visit my blog

joi, 19 august 2010


Nu de mult timp am gasit pe internet povestita o intamplare ce purta acest titlu. Ratacind azi prin diverse locuri dintr-un mall am intrat intr-una dintre librarii, cam goala ce-i drept, rafturile ei nu erau asa de pline precum rafturile de la articolele de la nike adidas sau altele. E mai de pret sa te imbraci decat sa citesti nu?
Mi-a atras atentia un titlu de opera, numele de Maximilian Kolbe, personajul principal din povestea mai sus amintita. Am ramas surpins a observa ca Eugene Ionesco a transpus aceasta intamplare intr-o piesa de teatru. Mi-am luat timp am luat cartea si m-am asezat pret de aproape jumatate de ora pentru a lectura piesa.
Am ramas din nou impresionat de povestire pe care o stiam deja dar mai ales de traspunerea acesteia in piesa de teatru care mi se pare magistrala.
Despre ce este vorba? Intamplarea are loc undeva in lagarul de la Auschwitz. Atunci, acolo un om a ales sa faca o fapta ce a fost scrisa cu sange in istoria lumii si a ramas marturie pentru mii si poate chiar zeci de mii de oameni. Va las a descoperii continutul povestiri din alte surse, pe care fiecare le avem la indemana sau poate chiar din cartea lui Eugene Ionesco, Teatru XI aparuta in acest an la editura Umanitas.
 Pentru a pune aceasta intamplare intr-o piesa de teatru ce dureaza numai o ora, autorul a muncit 7 ani de zile.

5 comentarii:

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jhon kabul spunea...

Do you face an error regarding http in your Blockchain exchange account. It will be a error 1022 on your Blockchain exchange account. When you face this issue and you recreating your keys just by running the same code with the new keys . But this solution cannot worked out to solve the issue . I can face the same issue regarding http in your Blockchain exchange account. When I already deleted and renewed my keys multiple times regarding Blockchain exchange account. You simply call on Blockchain support number +1-800-861-8259 in order to solve the http issue that you faced in your Blockchain exchange account.
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Blockchain Customer Service 24*7 Help spunea...

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Blockchain Customer Service 24*7 Help spunea...

Despite the versatile and high-end functions and features, users get caught in issues like account verification which are hard to resolve. To get handy and instant solutions you can reach the experts by calling on Binance Support Number [+1877-330-7540] anytime and remove all your tension. They will fix your issue in no time and make sure to give alternate methods so that you can fix such issues on your own without any external help. They are functional throughout the year for assistance.

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