would like to thank you, for taking time to visit my blog

miercuri, 7 aprilie 2010


Vocea bătrânului amuțește. Dumnezeule rostește el către salcâmul desfrunzit, ce am putea noi să fim pe lumea asta și n-avem nici măcar o coajă de pâine de mâncare. Un milițian se repede la el și un câine și un alt milițian. Ridică brațele și strigă către cer : DOAMNE IARTĂ-NE CĂ SUNTEM ROMÂNI. Ochii îi strălucesc în lumina tremurătoare, în colțul ochilor lumina se grăbește. Câinele schelălăie și-i sare la gât. Doi, trei, cinci milițieni îl ridică de acolo.
Herta Muller. Încă de pe atunci vulpea era vânătorul.

3 comentarii:

jhon martu spunea...

Are you fixing error while setting up two-factor authentication in your Binance account? If you are unable to fix the issue and need some help, you can always call on Binance phone number which is functional all the time and users can talk to the team related Binance Support Number to issue and get tested solutions from the team immediately. Connect with the team through dialing Binance support number which is the key medium to speak to the professionals and discuss your queries.

jhon parkar spunea...

Are you unable to work in the Gemini account as you’re going through two-factor functionality issue ? If yes, instead of worrying and pondering about the issue, you can directly have a conversation with the team of skilled professionals who is always there to Gemini Support Number fix your queries. All you have to do is to call on Gemini customer support number which is functional and the team always greets users with positive attitude and fixes all the queries the moment they get them from users.

Helpdesk Number spunea...

Are you stuck within the middle of commercialism in Gemini and don’t understand what to try and do next ? square measure you unable to shop for and sell Bitcoin in Gemini? To resolve commercialism problems now, you'll be able to take help from the team of specialists World Health Organization is often there to help you. simply take your phone and dial Gemini customer support phone number to get rid of all of your high-level complexities within the least doable time. The well-skilled specialists have all the proper techniques and techniques to subsume the errors.
For more info visit our website: https://www.cryptowalletsupport.com/gemini-support-number/

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